High Dose Methotrexate in Adult Oncology Patients: A Case-Control Study Assessing the Risk Association between Drug Interactions and Methotrexate
April Chan and Irina Rajakumar
London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON
Background: High-dose methotrexate, defined as dose ≥ 1g/m2, is commonly used in chemotherapy protocols. Certain drugs such as acyclovir, allopurinol, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and some antibiotics have been associated with delayed renal clearance of methotrexate and may predispose patients to toxicities. Currently, no specific recommendations exist on adjusting high-dose methotrexate regimen in the presence of potential interacting drugs. This study aims to determine whether presence of interacting drugs is associated with delayed methotrexate clearance.
Methods: This was a case-control study of adult oncology patients who received their first cycle of high-dose methotrexate. Cases were defined as patients who experienced delayed methotrexate clearance, as indicated by serum methotrexate level ≥ 0.1 umol/L at 72 hours. The primary endpoint was the frequency of interacting drugs between cases and controls. These were compared using Fisher’s exact test. Where possible, adjustment for significant baseline differences was made using logistic regression. The secondary endpoint was frequency of methotrexate-related clinical toxicities between groups and included myelosuppression, nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity and mucositis.
Results: From January 2004 to March 2011, 73 patients met study criteria, of which 23 were defined as cases. Significant baseline differences were high-dose methotrexate dose received and renal impairment. The presence of interacting drugs was not associated with delayed methotrexate clearance (OR 0.91, 95% CI 0.24–3.38, p>0.999). After adjusting for high-dose methotrexate dose, drugs observed with the most frequency (allopurinol, PPIs and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim) were not associated with delayed methotrexate clearance (p-values of 0.948, 0.592 and 0.204 respectively). Cases experienced more severe anemia (grade 2.52 versus 1.68, p=0.007) and higher rates of mucositis (65.2% versus 20.0%, p<0.001).
Conclusion: This study showed no significant association between presence of interacting drugs and delayed methotrexate clearance. Patients who experienced delayed methotrexate clearance had more severe anemia and higher rates of mucositis.
Reference: Can J Hosp Pharm. 2012 Jan-Feb; 65(1): 54–73.
Gilberto Barcelos Souza. Farmacêutico. Trabalhou durante 41 anos no Serviço de Farmácia do Hospital Universitário Antonio Pedro (HUAP). Membro da SBRAFH, SOBRAFO, SOBRATI ● 28 livros publicados ● Medicamentos Injetáveis ● Oncológicos Injetáveis e Orais ● Imunoterápicos ● Protocolos de Quimioterapia ● Interações Medicamentosas em Oncologia ● Formulário Magistral ● Medicamentos em Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica. Editor do www.meuslivrosdefarmacia.com.br. Editor do www.meuslivrosdeoncologia.com.br