Implementation of a protocol for pharmacokinetic monitoring of high-dose methotrexate
Beatriz Garcia Robredo, Maria Amalia Fernandez Feijoo, Miguel Angel Calleja Hernandez
Hospital Pharmacy Department, Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital, Granada, Spain
Background and Objective: To quantify the impact of the implementation of a protocol for the pharmacokinetic monitoring of patients receiving high-dose methotrexate.
Design: Prospective experimental study, in which the Hospital Pharmacy Department designed a specific protocol for the pharmacokinetics follow-up of these patients and for gathering the data required for a correct rescue. Results were compared between three months before and three months after implementation of this new protocol.
Setting: 24-hr infusions of methotrexate at a dose of C1 g/m2 were evaluated in adult patients admitted to the Oncohaematological Area of a tertiary level hospital.
Main Outcome Measures: Number of infusions started at the correct time, number of missed blood extractions, number of missed leucovorin doses, calculation of the elimination half-life, and measurement of the urinary pH (dichotomous variables). Degree of compliance with the leucovorin rescue dosage protocol was measured on a scale of 0–3 points, with all items carrying the same score (correct loading dose, dosage as function of body surface area, and dosage as function of the concentrations of methotrexate obtained).
Results: The number of infusions started at the correct time increased from 50% to 60%. The number of missed blood extractions fell from 1.6 to 0.4 extractions per course; and missed leucovorin doses dropped from 0.25 to 0 per course. The elimination half-life could be calculated in only 25% of courses in the first study period versus 100% of courses after protocol implementation. Urinary pH changed
from not being measured in any cycle to being measured in 100% of cycles. Compliance with rescue dosage protocol was scored with 1.9 points before versus 2.8 points after implementation.
References: Poster in: ESCP 36th European Symposium on Clinical Pharmacy ‘Implementing Clinical Pharmacy in Community and Hospital Settings: Sharing the Experience’, Istanbul, Turkey 25–27 October 2007
Gilberto Barcelos Souza. Farmacêutico. Trabalhou durante 41 anos no Serviço de Farmácia do Hospital Universitário Antonio Pedro (HUAP). Membro da SBRAFH, SOBRAFO, SOBRATI ● 28 livros publicados ● Medicamentos Injetáveis ● Oncológicos Injetáveis e Orais ● Imunoterápicos ● Protocolos de Quimioterapia ● Interações Medicamentosas em Oncologia ● Formulário Magistral ● Medicamentos em Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica. Editor do www.meuslivrosdefarmacia.com.br. Editor do www.meuslivrosdeoncologia.com.br
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